Aluminum Overcast | Putting Things Together

Aluminum Overcast

Putting Things Together


Unicorn_Gundam RG Gunpla Gundam Gold_Plated Bandai


November 24, 2024: A Gundam Without Weapons is Just Dam

Hero Shot

November 18, 2024: A Good Head on Those Shoulders

Backpack Installed

November 10, 2024: Two Arms! Two Arms!

Completed Arms Side View

November 02, 2024: The Real Grade Flaws Finally Manifest

The Backside

October 28, 2024: Time to Waist

These Legs Say Confident Yet Relaxed

October 20, 2024: He Got Legs

We Gotta a Golden Leg

October 14, 2024: RG Unicorn Gundam Is Go For Assembly

Go For Assembly